I'm excited to link up with Art with Jenny K. to learn more about the stories behind some of the many blog and TpT logos I see everyday!
If you look closely at my logo you will see you might notice clues to how it links to my blog name: Literacy Loves Company. When trying to pick out a name for my blog and TpT store I was given the advice to think about what makes me special and my ideas unique. Then pick a name and logo that shares that message.
I have my masters degree in art integration which is an AMAZING program! Not only were the two years I spent taking the program courses such fun, I also got a true appreciation for how important the arts are in classrooms! Integrating the arts not only raises the engagement level of students, but it also helps you reach those learners that might struggle with traditional teaching strategies!
Along with my masters degree, I also consider myself somewhat of an artist myself and I work in a school that is very art centered! I am very lucky.
Since art and art integration is what I am passionate about I thought about how literacy (and other subjects) are enhanced by the arts. They "love company".
I am also something of a wordsmith and love to play with words, so Literacy Loves Company is a play on Misery Loves Company. Not many people get the connection, but every time I say Literacy Loves Company I chuckle at the little inside joke.
I came up with and drew my logo myself. Someday, I may get a professional artist to help me out with it, but for now I love it. It instills everything my name means to me.
My blog and store name and logo have gone through some changes over the last year...
This is the final (for now) logo that you would see at my TpT store:
So, that is the story behind the logo for Literacy Loves Company! I hope that you will take some time to hop over to other bloggers on the linky and learn about the stories behind their logos!
Thank you for stopping by!